Part 166: Rainbow Spring 1
Welcome back!

: Say, Juss, she'll be fine in a bit. Just being alive is wonderful, right? If you worry too much, you'll go bald! It's all right! That battleship was whiffed out, and that fellow, Baal, kicked the bucket! There's nothing to worry about. Right, Juss!
Rapp is apparently still in that giddy "oh holy shit I can't believe I didn't die" phase.
Thankfully, the game decided to skip over the "Feena is out of the party because she's unconscious" portion.

: ...!

: That's great, Juss!

: And you were so worried about Feena!

: Well, thanks to that light, we were able to find you guys.

: Thank you for helping us, Rapp and Guido.

: Feena... are you really all right?

: Justin... I'm sorry. Because of me, the precious Spirit Stone....

: It's all right, Feena! You're much more precious than the Spirit Stone! It worked out well. When Baal and the Spirit Stone burned, the weird plans of the army collapsed.

: ... Still, I was an Icarian....
I, uh... I get the impression that the editor forgot to look at this scene. Still, the sentiment comes through, even if the wording is awkward.

Y'know, I was wondering why you weren't growing wings and stuff earlier.

Hmm? What do you mean?

Well, that Leen chick, she's your sister, right?

And the thing about Icarians... Always two, there are.

Hey, stop teasing me.

: Justin, let's go. To Alent. I want to find out. I want to know all about the Icarians and Gaia. If we go there, I'm sure we'll learn something.

: I too think that's a good idea.
Y'know, Rapp here had his parents murdered by the main villain's schemes, he was banished from his home village, he's hot-headed, and keeps odd company.
In any other game, he'd've been the protagonist. Here, he's just some rando that joins on disc 2 because the developers thought that the concept of Australian, fruit-living, surfer-slang elf ninjas was too good not to include.

: But, it was such an exciting way to die.

: Guido... Rapp....

: If you bring them the "Knowledge Medal", the Wise Men of Laine, they should teach you the way to Alent.

: That's right! Let's go to Laine, everyone. Great, the adventure continues!
So, before we get around to that, let's take a look at everyone's stats.
Justin's enjoying +2 to magic and +3 to moves with this setup. He could also grab a Lafa Flower Shield and Aura Armor to bump that up to +3/+4, but something something still pretending this is a challenge, blah blah.
Feena will be swapping out that Zero Whip for the Ruination Knife before we get into any combat, but other than that, she's got complete immunity to wind and water, anything that deals less than 20 damage is negated, and her spells charge faster than normal.
Also, holy fuck, that whip level.
Rapp's also got the blizzard immunity going on, and a lot of attack power to back it up. Unfortunately, he's going to be playing catch-up with his magic levels for the next while, so that's mostly going to waste.
Guido... just kinda has a mishmash of whatever I had laying around. The Warp Shoes negate the big advantage to the Thunder Arrow, its extra range compared to most bows. But he has better things to do than physically attack, usually.
Also, now that Feena's awakened her Icarian powers, the plot-lock on her last three spells is undone.
Her level three one here is just gonna take 17 more fire XP.
I'll admit, I made sure she was very close to this before finishing off the Zil Ruins.
Her level two spell is just gonna take a level and a half of Earth. Not so bad, and she should actually have the MP to cast this one.
Now, let's see about her level one spell....
So yep, this here is That Spell. Having done the grind for it on previous playthroughs, I can say that it is in no way worth it.
Also, because I
hate myself love y'all so much, I'll be doing it again for this LP. Possibly before the end of the game, too, depending.
Anyway, progress.
Guido's tent actually gets added to this empty, campsite-looking place in Brinan Plateau. Most likely, the game intends you to go through the dungeon again to get to Laine.
But fuck that noise, we already killed everything here once, and, uh, something about not grinding even though I'm overleveled.
Probably should have given this challenge a whirl before deciding it would make for an interesting condition to add to the LP.
Looks like the lower village is sealed off now. Usually they keep the dungeons with Mana Eggs open for longer.

: OK. First let's go and see what Darlin can tell us.
Naturally, there's a whole crop of new NPC dialog both here and in Zil Padon. Thankfully, there's less of it than there was last time.
Anyway, let's go see what Darlin has to say.

: Darlin! Listen, I need your help!

: And what y'all want to do about it?

: Liete told me. "If you want the answers to many questions, come to Alent." Now I understand. I didn't when I began the journey. But now her words. There is something I must know.

: Not just something! So many things! Angelou grew to encompass the world. Why would such a civilization die? The Icarians... the Spirit Stone... and Gaia.

: I must go to Alent! It will all be clear in Alent! All the answers.

: Boy, seems like the time has come. The time for you, the chosen one. Truth is, we ain't just scientists. We's the Gatekeepers to Alent, Justin. Couldn't let on, though. Not till you was ready. Which is now, Justin. TO ALENT!

: Yes! I'll go! I'll go and find the answers!

: Good. It's Dorlin who knows the way to Alent. Y'all be careful now, Justin boy.

: I will, and thank you, Darlin.

: All right, we're heading out!

: Huh...!? Not AGAIN...?!

: Heh heh... just kidding. What is it today? What have y'all come to ask me?

: Look! We've finally obtained the key to Alent!

: Th-the key... to...! Another step closer to Liete! Good work young 'uns! Good work!

: Ah... Dorlin...? I want to go to Alent. There is something I must know!

: Hm... I see the time has finally come. Ol' Darlin probably told y'all. We're also the gatekeepers for Alent. Guess it's time to show you the way. First, throw the Medal of Knowledge into the beautiful spring behind the village. You'll see a rainbow. The rainbow on the spring'll lead y'all to Alent. Then you'll find what you're lookin' for. To Rainbow Mountain and Rainbow Spring! Git a'goin'! To this place, Alent!

: Thank you, Dorlin.

: We're headed for Alent!

: I'll open the Rainbow Mountain gate. Be sure to find the answer! And then, Liete... with my hands I shall...!

: What the heck are you gonna do with your hands, old man?
Y'know what? I think it's time to leave. (
Polsy link)
Surprise FMV!
So that volcano-looking place?
That's J Base. Where the Grandeur was headed with Feena.
Home to the Demonic Lightning Pinecone.
Which is starting to glow.
Oh, hey, these two. Maybe they'll be shutting this whole thing down, now that Baal's d-
... Standing right there, unharmed. Okay.

: Heh, heh heh. The time has finally come. The time for the Spirit Stone to be one again.

: FATHER! How can you mean it?! Don't revive this beast, I beg you!

: Look upon him, Mullen! Gaia is bursting with joy! I can hear his voice. How he longs to GORGE on the energy of the Spirit Stone!

: FATHER! Don't you understand!? Gaia cannot be tamed by human hands! You are repeating the tragic mistakes of the past! Can you not recall the soldiers and humanoids cursed by Gaia and turned to STONE!?

: Worms?! How DARE you?! Father...! If that is what you TRULY think,

: Then ALL your talk of sacrifice and building an ideal world was nothing but LIES!

: There IS no ideal world without GAIA!

: He who does the will of Gaia shall be INFINITELY blessed! As I will be! Ah ha! Out of my way, Mullen! I shall now offer the last piece of the Spirit Stone.
Seriously, dude goes out of his way to make Mullen and Leen move aside for him. There's evil, and then there's just being a dick.
Yep, we fought our way through the Grandeur, broke it in half, and blew up both pieces, and we STILL didn't kill anybody.
Even the guy that we smacked upside the head with a mace and set on fire before abandoning him to his exploding airship.

: Reports from the Battleship Lyonlot assigned to rescue the survivors painted a very grim picture.

: And yet... how could General Baal survive without a scratch?

: ...

: I'm frightened. When I see General Baal, I... I cannot stop shaking.

: So it's as I suspected. He must NOT get hold of the Spirit Stone!
Yep, Leen going up to her boyfriend and saying "Yo, your dad REALLY creeps me out" is all it takes for Mullen to switch sides.
See you next time!